Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Incentives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Incentives - Essay Example As much as incentives are meant to encourage workers some end up living them in a worse condition than they were before. Provision of incentives in firms In the efficiency wage theory, incentives ensure that workers are able to acquire benefits than what the market wages offer them (Prendergast, 1999, pp 14). Workers receive such rents mainly because it acts as a security even though they have stable jobs. Another encouraging thing about the incentives is that the contracts can always be reviewed basing on the past performances of the workers (Prendergast, 1999, pp 24). Though the workers do not have to fill the change immediately, it is evident that the good performance will always improve their bargain power in order to move his contract to greater heights. What happens to the firms? There are three major theories that are used to give an overview of different form of incentives in firms (Haltiwanger, 1998, pp 330). The theories include the human capital theory, incentive theory an d the matching theory. Incentives are basically the main cores of the economy. However, they have not been fully introduced to most of the companies yet. Incentives work very well in employment according to the case study of it’s important by various organizations. ... tives cannot be compared to those with lesser incentives; this is mainly because the pay-for performance has always increased the work ratings as most of the employers get to fill the pinch after hiring unprofessional workers (Haltiwanger, 1998, pp 336). As if that is not enough the performance of workers in the entire nation can also be positively affected by the introduction of incentives. However some experts argue that the introduction of incentives should be based on individuals rather than the teams mainly because most of workers would end up being joy riders. For instance a research on the doctors showed that most of them have a higher overhead cost sharing while those who share the costs end up as joy riders. That is why perhaps the effects of incentives in teams are dominated by individuals. Perhaps such benefits should be more technological instead of incentives (Haltiwanger, 1998, pp. 338). Data is vital in any research to prove the importance of incentives that is why the re was need for performance contracts. In the urgency theory, it is predicted that most workers face similar problems in productivity that is why such problems are compared to one another. Executive’s data find minimal evidence of the said relative performance evaluation (Haltiwanger, 1998, pp 340). On the contrary, most firms compare the performance of their senior managers to the performance of stock market when determining rewards for them. These firms are more likely to use stock market than competitor’s performance when doing comparison. Another implication of agency theory is, managers who are close to retirement should sign contracts with incentive provisions, which are steeper, and rewards directly tied to performance due to the fact that reputation concerns are not quiet

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Postive and Negative Health Effects Essay Example for Free

The Postive and Negative Health Effects Essay What are possible effects of cell phones on teenagers? There are several ways in which cell phones can affect teenagers, such as educational, social and health, which can all be both positive and negative. Social effects of cell phones can be sex-ting, cyberbullying and social networking. Educational effects are effects relating school and education of a teenager. Health effects are health risks and benefits for a teenager while using a cell phone. There are many different effects of cell phones on teenagers but the ost important ones that are mainly looked at are educational, social and health. This essay will cover the positive and negative educational, social and health effects of cell phones specifically on teenagers. 2. 0 Discussion 2. 1 Positive and Negative Social Effects of Cell Phones on Teenagers Firstly, mobile infrastructure has changed during the past decade and this increase has become so apparent that you hardly ever come in contact with someone who does not possess a mobile phone or other mobile device. It is becoming increasingly easy and inexpensive for teenagers to contact friends and access information via their mobile phones (Reid and Reid 2007, p. 424). Teenagers run their social lives on cell phones and today, 77 percent of teenagers aged 12-17 report having a cell phone (Tippin 2012). Cell phones have become prominent aspect of teenager’s everyday life; in fact the mobile phones have turned from a technological tool to a social tool. Especially text messaging has increased significantly and is teenagers most frequent way of communicating. Study shows that 63% of all teens said they exchanged text messages on a daily basis (Tippin 2012). As it is evident that majority of teen’s posses a cell phone it is important to understand the positive as well as negative social effects of it on teenagers. â€Å"Research on cyberbullying sponsored by Opennet has found that teenager who are heavy cell phone users are more likely to engage in the practice of bullying online, as well as become bullied themselves† (Osborne 2012). Cyberbullying is bullying with the intention to torment a person with the use of technology. Statistics show that 46 percent of heavy cell phone users experience cyberbullying on their phones (Osborne 2012). Cyberbullying through a cell phone can be a serious issue and can cause very negative effects on a teenager, in fact kids that are bullied are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep. Such negative effects of bullying are often overlooked, because many victims feel the need to hide the fact that they are being bullied, they become shy and fearful of further abuse. Typically they tend to become anxious, less confident, and quieter. As a result, bullying can be a hindrance to their academic performance. Therefore, bullying is a problem that if left unattended, can be a significant obstacle in child’s social development. (â€Å"American Osteopathic Association,† n. d). Even though there are negative social effects of cell phones on teenagers such as cyberbullying there are positive advantages as well. An obvious advantage of a mobile phone is that it can help teens to communicate with others. If a teenager was lost perhaps he or she can seek help immediately by a cell phone at any time, in any place and cell phones also allow its users to make long distance calls which makes it a lot easier for them to communicate with friends and family who are distant. With cell phones video and camera functions, teens now have more opportunities to record and report any criminal events which they have witnessed. These pieces of evidence could greatly help authorities solve crimes faster (Baker 2012). Cell phones are very useful devices for communication as well as they are compulsory as they used as safety devices especially in emergencies (Ravidchandran, 2009). Therefore it is important to understand the social effects of cell phones on teenagers because although it could harm teenager’s development, it can also benefit as well as provide safety and security for the child. 2. 2 Positive and Negative Educational Effects of Cell Phones on Teenagers Secondly, the topic of cell phones affecting teenagers’ education is very controversial. Cell phones can be a major distraction to learning when students use them improperly. Cell phones can affect teenagers’ grades by being distracted with sending text messages, playing games on their phones and receiving zeros if they are caught cheating during a test. When texting teenagers use short acronyms such as laugh out loud (LOL), be right back (BRB), talk to you later (TTYL) which can significantly lead to a decline in their language and grammar skills. (Connie, 2012). Edutopia, an educational website, conducted an online poll regarding this issue of whether text messaging harms students writing skills. Out of 3359 votes, 1788 votes (53%) chose â€Å"Yes, I believe students are carrying over the writing habits they pick up through text messaging into school assignments. † 851 votes (25%) chose â€Å"No. I believe students can write one way to their friends and another way in class. They can keep the two methods separate. † 613 votes (18%) chose â€Å"Maybe. Although text messaging may have some impact on how students write, I dont think its a significant problem† (Ring, 2009). As it is evident that the majority voted that students are using their habits they have picked up through text messages in school assignments, it shows the decline of teenage students grammar skills. Although cell phones can have such a negative effect on teenagers’ education it can also provide positive benefits such as an aid for learning. With a cell phone, the students could make organizers, research work and do their projects. Cell phones have applications which can be installed individually and there are thousands of useful apps that a teenager could use at school for education, such as dictionaries to define words and phrases. Students can now take part in a mobile device learning program called â€Å"Hotsteat,† which allows students to post comments on a Twitter-like feed from a question posted by a professor, and can be accessed through a mobile device with the app. Another program called â€Å"Remind101† which  is a free site that is created for teachers and students to create text, reminders for projects quizzes, test, labs, class activities and homework. Teacher have to create an account and upload all class projects, activities, homework and assignments, then students can log in to the website, subscribe to their class and automatically receive all reminders (Dunn, 2011). Therefore, it is important to understand the educational effects of cell phones on teenagers because although schools report that student’s mobile phone use disrupts teaching and reduces student’s attention in class, which results in a negative educational outcome. It is also important to understand the benefits that cell phones bring to teenagers education by having organizers, notes, reminders and discussion groups all at their finger tips. For these reasons, teenagers get more encouragement to initiate their learning. 2. 3 Positive and Negative Health Effects of Cell Phones on Teenagers Lastly, â€Å"teenagers who overuse cell phone texting or social networking Web sites have disturbingly high rates of a wide range of  health  risk  behaviors† (Jancin, 2011). Gaby Badre, M. D. , Ph. D. of Sahlgrens Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden conducted research on the affects of cell phone usage on sleep patterns in teens. Research focused on two groups: a control group of three men and seven women compared with variable group of three men and eight women. When compared the control group against the variable group, Badre found that adolescents with excessive cell phone habits are more habituated to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress, more c onsumption of stimulating beverages and fatigue (â€Å"American Academy of Sleep Medicine† 2008). According to Badre, addiction to cell phone is becoming common. Youngsters (teenagers) feel a  group pressure  to remain inter-connected and reachable round the clock. Children start to use mobile phones at an early stage of their life. There seem to be a connection between intensive use of cell phones and health compromising behaviour such as smoking, snuffing and use of alcohol (â€Å"American Academy of Sleep Medicine† 2008). Dr. Frank conducted a survey which was completed by 4,257  teens  at 20 schools in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Based upon the responses these â€Å"hypertexters† who are teenagers that have self-reported texting an average of 120 or more times per day on school days are â€Å"twofold more likely to have ever tried alcohol, 43% more likely to be binge drinkers, 32% more likely to be current users of marijuana, and 40% more likely to have tried cigarettes than kids who texted less or, as was true for 22% of students, not at all† (Jancin, 2011). This shows the significant impact of cell phone effects on teenagers’ health, but although there are so many negative health effects of cell phones there are just as much positive effects. Certainly it is true that for teenagers, cell phones offer openings for conversations as well as ways of keeping up appearances by looking busy, appearing confident, popular, or relieving meeting boredom. And phones, like smoking, can be used as a defence mechanism, attention speaking behaviour as well as a way to stand out from the ‘Lonely Crowd’ (Cross, 2006) Texting with cell phones can provide health education, to campaign against smoking and behavior. For example in New Zealand an experiment was conducted with two groups, first group received text message support and the other group did not receive any text messages. The results showed that the number of people who stopped smoking was significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group which did not receive text message based support. â€Å"Add this to the Action on Smoking findings five years ago and there is a real case for hailing mobile phone effectiveness in limiting smoking amongst Teenagers† (Cross, 2006) Although in this program cell phones did not provide direct health benefits but by constantly texting teenagers and giving them support it significantly decreased the number of smokers. Therefore it is important to understand the health effects of cell phones on teenagers because although mobile phones can have negative effects such as lead teenagers into drinking and drug use, it can also have positive effects and be used as a defence mechanism to cope with anxiety. 3. 0 Summary Cell phones are a tool of convenience and that is why almost 80% of all teenagers use one (Tippin, 2012). However having cell phones can be very negative effect on teenagers, â€Å"research on cyberbullying sponsored by Opennet has found that teenager who are heavy cell phone users are more likely to engage in the practice of bullying online, as well as become bullied themselves† (Osborne 2012) and teenagers that are bullied are likely to experience anxiety, depression, loneliness, unhappiness, and poor sleep. These social effects of cell phones on teenagers can also affect their health. Gaby Badre, M. D. , Ph. D. of Sahlgrens Academy in Gothenburg, Sweden conducted research and found that adolescents with excessive cell phone habits are more habituated to disrupted sleep, restlessness, stress, more consumption of stimulating beverages and fatigue (â€Å"American Academy of Sleep Medicine† 2008), which all contribute to negative health effects. Teenagers advantage of having cell phone at their finger tips can affect their school grades by being distracted with sending text messages, playing games on their phones and receiving zeros if they are caught cheating during a test. But having a cell phone now makes people reachable in almost any location and this makes individuals easier to contact. Ease of access is not the only benefit of cell phones; they offer features that have many other benefits. Cell phones have become an important part of society today, while schools think that cell phone usage should not occur in schools, it is imperative that they acknowledge that cell phones are extremely important to the safety of our children in school. Several schools state that you could use the telephone in the main office to call home in an emergency, but if there ever was a true emergency the phone in the main office would be surrounded by people trying to get in contact with their loved ones and chaos would be lurking. Having a cell phone enables them to contact loved ones with ease during an emergency. Also computers at schools can malfunction and stop students from getting information. However, new technology on cell phones allows them to access the internet and enable them to complete research with ease. Cell phones have organizers which help students write down their homework and help them to keep organized. 4. 0 Conclusion Cell phones are great invention. However, most schools in Ontario ban cell phone use at schools although, as it was stated in â€Å"The Japan Times† article â€Å"banning cell phones does not succeed in teaching students how, when and where an adult would use a  cell  phone (â€Å"The Japan Times†, 2008). Therefore, schools should not simply ban cell phones because of their negative effects on teenage students but teach them when and where the appropriate time and place is to use one. Schools should also look at positive side of cell phone use on teenagers because they can be a great educational tool. As Lisa Baker has mentioned â€Å"some high schools take advantage of educational games for cell phones. Educators can teach students how to use their phones as research tools, which encourages youth to take more initiative in their own learning (Baker, 2012). There are also social and health effects of cell phones on teenagers, which can be both also negative as well as positive. Before looking at negative effects of cell phone on teenagers, we should understand why they were first invented and the benefits they bring to our daily life. Therefore, although there are so many effects of cell phones on teenagers it is important to understand the main ones that are mainly looked at such as social, educational and health effects.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alcoholism Essay -- Persuasive Argumentative Essays

Alcoholism Alcohol consumption was initiated on reservations when traders in the nineteenth century started to offer it to oppressed and depressed Native Americans. Natives represent, in fact, the ethnic group with the highest degree of alcohol consumption in the United States. Confinement on reservations after displacement brought for Native Americans identity conflicts and assimilation problems. This situation promoted the abuse of liquor to mitigate the psychological pain inflicted by the dispossession of the land and enclosure in a limited and controlled space. Both the stereotype of the â€Å"Noble Savage† and the â€Å"drunken Indian† are recurrent figures in mainstream literature of the US. Native American Literature of the 70s and 80s (American Indian Literary Renaissance) focused on restoring the tribal inheritance of mixed blood Indians who had been alienated both by whites and fellow Indians. Serving in the army during World War II or in the VIETNAM WAR, some tried to gain the respect of their fellow soldiers only to collapse completely and dive into an ocean of solitude after the conflicts ended. Partial consolation seemed to be found in drinking. Assimilation to white culture often times means drinking as whites, thus, CEREMONY, HOUSE MADE OF DAWN, WINTER IN THE BLOOD and LOVE MEDICINE, among others, introduced the topic of the alienated Indian destroyed by liquor. James WELCH, Louise ERDRICH, Leslie Marmon SILKO, and Scott MOMADAY deal with the issue of alcohol abuse in most of their novels; they express a true concern about the situation of their tribes due to alcoholism and propose the return to the ancient ceremonies and traditions to cure tribal members addi cted to liquor and restore their link with the earth. ... ...n Blues. New York: Warner Books, 1996 Brave Bird, Mary E.& Erdoes, R. Ohikita Woman. New York: Grove Press, 1993. Crow Dog, Mary E. & Erdoes, R. Lakota Woman.New York: Harper Perennial, 1990. Dorris, Michael. The Broken Cord Erdrich, L. Love Medicine (New and Expanded Edition). New York: Harper Perennial, 1984. Gunn Allen, Paula. The Sacred Hoop, Recovering the Feminine in American Indian Tradition. Boston: Beacon Press books, 1986. Mc. Farland, R. James Welch. Lewinston (IH): Confluence Press Inc., 1986. Momaday, N. Scott. House Made of Dawn. New York: Harper and Row, 1968. Silko, Leslie Marmon. Ceremony. New York: Penguin, 1977. Stookey, Lorena Laura. Louise Erdrich : a critical companion. Westport (Connecticut): Greenwood Press, 1999 Welch, James. Winter in the Blood. New York, Harper & Row 1974 Imelda Martà ­n-Junquera

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Themes in Rain of Gold, by Victor Villasenor Essay -- Rain of Gold Ess

Rain of Gold, is a true story about the history of Mexican people, their culture, traditions and customs that were passed down from the Euro-Indian heritage of Mexico. Rain of Gold was written by Juan Villasenor in search for his ancestral roots. The people of this story are real and not fiction. The places that are discussed are true. And the incidents did actually happen to his family. There are several underlying themes that need addressing. Such as: the importance of family, the importance of religion and spiritualism, woman as center of home and family, respect--protection of woman's virtue; ideal of women as pure, power of the woman--the mother, being a man-man as protector of the family, pride of man to be a provider, importance of traditions, respect for life, work and education/learning, death as part of life, honor, dignity, and finally discrimination and prejudice. I will be using this book as a reference and as a guide throughout this review to discuss t he themes that are stated above. "La Lluvia de Oro" that means Rain of Gold in English, was the name of a gold mine located in a box canyon in the mountains of Chihuahua. I would first like to introduce you to the Gomez family. There's Dona Guadalupe who was an unofficial adopted Yaqui child of Leonides and Rosa Camargo. Dona Guadalupe married Victor Gomez, and they had Sophia, Maria, Carlota, Victoriano, and Lupe. Lupe was conceived in 1910 when a huge meteorite hit the box canyon where her family lived. It was said that her parents thought that it was the end of the world so they prayed and made desperate love, asking God to spare them (p. 9). Lupe was referred to as the meteorite child. Next, I would like to introduce you to the Villas... ... the street. "They're dirty!" (p. 302) The lady did not know anything about Juan and she had a stereotype of what Mexican's were. This happens to many people. People are ignorant and don't watch what they are saying. This type of behavior leads to discrimination, prejudice and racism. I really enjoyed all of the characters and this book tremendously. Both Lupe's and Juan's mother were very strong and God fearing women. They had a very strong bind between their children who were taught values and morals. This book made me want to know my ancestral routes and learn more about my culture. Since this book was a true story about Victor Villasenor's family, it made the stories even more real. I would recommend this book to everyone who loves to read. Bibliography Villasenor, Victor. Rain of Gold. Arte Publico Press, 1991.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Research Essay- Living Life to the Fullest Essay

For one to live their life to the fullest, a person must have a purpose to live. One must have a reason to wake up every day and feel the sun shine or the rain fall, as cold as ice, on your skin. A law of life is necessary for one to have this sense of a calling as to why they walk the earth every solitary twenty-four hour day. A law of life is to surround yourself with people who make you a better person, inside and out. This holds accurate because the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Initially, there is a quote saying, â€Å"Surround yourself with only people that will lift you higher, because friends are the family you choose yourself. –Anonymous† The people who you are surrounded by can either make you a better person as a whole, or break you down until you are as low to the ground as a tiny bug, small and easily squashed. If you surround yourself with the people who will make you a better person, then you will become a better person just by association with positive, balanced people. On the contrary, if you surround yourself with people who are adverse and irrational, then you will become adverse and irrational, also just by association. For example, â€Å"Let’s say you have plans to see a friend who is lighthearted, enthusiastic and embraces life with eagerness and zest. Thinking about this friend brings a smile to your face because you know you’ll be having fun and enjoying each other’s company. After your time together, you’re excited about the rest of your day. You want to capture every moment and see all the beauty that’s about you. Your friend may not have intentionally tried to alter your thinking, but her positive approach and attitude was infectious (Par.2-The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Good People).† The people who you let be in your company ultimately affect you as a person, and this can either make you a better person or a worse person. Another example of this would be if you’re in a group of people with a less than stellar attitude, eventually, you will become a less than stellar person. In order to become a better person, inside and out, then you must surround yourself with those people who possess the qualities to make  you a better person. Clearly, being a social individual aids in your self-esteem, it can either make your self-esteem skyrocket or it can make it plummet. Self-esteem is no doubt a massive part of you becoming the person that you wish to be. For instance, when you are speaking to your social group of friends, and they have a positive self-image, then you too should have a somewhat positive self-image. Another example of this would be inferiority. â€Å"People who feel inferior to others always keep comparing themselves to them and they always try to find problems with themselves. So how can such friends affect your self-esteem? Simply because they got used to scanning for any possible flaws they will try to find as many flaws in you as they can (Par. 6- How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).† Your friends can also limit your potential as to what you can and cannot achieve. Case in point, â€Å"If you were an ambitious person who was surrounded by non-ambitious friends then most likely they will try to put you down whenever you attempt to do something that they never managed to do (Par. 7 How Friends Affect Your Self-Esteem).† Self-esteem has the ability to support or hinder your self-esteem, and self-esteem in a colossal part of the way you, and your peers see yourself. Your vision of yourself can either make you better or bitter, and through a law of life, your self-esteem should make yourself better. Subsequently, picture yourself in a race on the track outside of your school. The blistering heat is beating down on your back as you’re running through the last lap of the race and you’re in the lead. You have your group of great friends on the sidelines cheering your name as you pass the finish line! Surrounding yourself with virtuous people will help you achieve your goals through their positivity. When you surround yourself with those people who cheer you on instead of bring you down, those people will help you reach your goals, not break you down to the point where you don’t want to reach them. There are two types of people, optimists and pessimists, these types of people are on opposite sides of the spectrum. For example, â€Å"It’s just that the optimist chooses to expect happiness, success, and pleasure and as a result, that’s what they find. The pessimist chooses to replay negative thoughts which lead to negative results. (Par. 5- The Importance Of  Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People).† Adjoining yourself with optimistic people will help you reach the success, not make you feel that you can’t, that’s what a pessimist would do. For instance, if you’re around people with an attitude of being too good to reach a goal, you will not reach the goal, but if you’re around people who will be your personal cheerleaders, than you’ll most likely get the desired result. Surrounding yourself with the people who are virtuous and optimistic, then they will aid you in reaching your goals, long or short-term. Conclusively, to live a life worth living, you must have a law of life to follow. In this case, a law of life is to surround yourself with the people who bring out the best in you, and these people will make you the best you, you can be. To surround yourself with the kinds of people that will make you better, not bitter these people must possess the qualities of the people your surround yourself with can either make you or break you, being social with others can either aid or inhibit in self-esteem, and surrounding yourself with better people can help you achieve goals through others’ positivity. Works Cited 1. Radwan, M. Farouk. â€Å"How friends affect your self esteem | 2KnowMySelf.† 2KnowMySelf | The Ultimate Source for Understanding Yourself and others. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. . 2. Silber, Debi. â€Å"The Importance of Surrounding Yourself w/ Positive People.† All About Nurses, Nurse Communication, Nurse Community | NurseTogether. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2013. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Prairie Dogs essays

Prairie Dogs essays Prairie dogs are small, rodents like mammals that live in the western united states. There are millions of prairie dogs that live in the dry plains of the western united states. Most prairie dogs have light brown to tan fur. White tail prairie dogs have a white tipped tail and black tail prairie dogs have a black tipped tail. Prairie dogs are about 4-7 inches tall, 9-14 inches long and weigh about 1.5 to 3 pounds. Prairie dogs are not nocturnal. This means that most of their activities take place in the day-time. During the winter, prairie dogs do not hibernate, and they do not migrate. However, they are slightly less active in the winter. One main instinct of prairie dogs is to let out a high pitched dog like bark to alert other prairie dogs of danger. Some predators of prairie dogs are snakes, hawks, and ferrets. The main predators of prairie dogs are farmers. Farmers shoot, poison, trap and sometimes even blow up prairie dogs because they destroy agricultural land. Because of this , the Mexican prairie dog is becoming endangered. This is the only species of prairie dog that is endangered. Prairie dogs mainly eat vegetation. This includes grasses, roots and weeds in the wild, and apples, yams, and puppy chow in captivity. Prairie dogs are expected to live 3-5 years in the wild and about 8 years in captivity. When a prairie dog is pregnant, it takes about one month for a litter of prairie dogs to be born. The female prairie dog gives birth to 3-8 young. The mating season of a prairie dog is mid-spring. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Marine corps motivation Essay Example

Marine corps motivation Essay Example Marine corps motivation Essay Marine corps motivation Essay 10 November 1775: I was born in a bomb crater. My mother was an M16 and my father was the Devil. Each moment that I live is an additional threat upon your life. I eat concertina, piss napalm, and I can shoot a round through a fleas ass at 300 meters. I am a rough looking, roving soldier of the sea. I am cocky, self-centered, overbearing, and do not know the meaning of fear, for I am fear itself. I am a green amphibious monster, made of blood and guts, who arose from the sea, I travel the lobe, festering on anti-Americans everywhere I go for, the love of Mom, Chevrolet, baseball, and apple pie. Im a grunt. Im the dirty, nasty, stinky, sweaty, filthy, beautiful little son of a bitch thats kept wolf away from the door for over 235 years. Im a United States marine, we look like soldiers, talk like sailors, and slap the shit out of both of them. We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the rope from the Army, and the anchor from the Navvy. And on the 7th Day, when God rested, we overran His perimeter, stole the globe, and weve been running the show ever since. Warrior by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, Marine by God. Simper Fidelis The United States Marine Corps is the best in world, Oorah! mark as favorite buy united states marine corps mugs shirts usmc marine us marine corps the marines eagle globe and anchor by 1stMarDiv January 18, 2011 add a video add an image 253 up, 26 down

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Product Hunt Books A new opportunity for discoverability

Product Hunt Books A new opportunity for discoverability Product Hunt Books: A new opportunity for discoverability? We all know the importance of a book’s â€Å"launch.† That moment when you finally launch your characters into the outside world and put them at the mercy of your readers. That moment when, if you’re publishing digitally, it all becomes about making friends with Amazon’s little elves.Once you’ve let your mailing list, Twitter followers and Facebook fans know about your new book, it becomes time to look for new readers, places and audiences.Product Hunt Books might be one to strongly consider. While famous in the â€Å"tech† space, the Product Hunt website is much lesser-known among authors, and that is where the opportunity lies (as there is less competition!). To let Reedsy readers know more about it, we managed to interview Erik Torenberg, founding team member  of Product Hunt and Product Hunt Books, to tell us more about the platform and how you can use it. We've added our personal Reedsy opinion on the matter in italic right under  hi s answers.You can also check out Reedsy Discovery, our platform that helps indie authors gain reviews and exposure for their books!Interviewing Product Hunt founding team member Erik TorenbergHi Erik, it’s an honor to have you on the Reedsy Blog! For our non-techy readers, could you tell us quickly what Product Hunt is all about?Product Hunt is a place to discover new and undiscovered products - from apps and websites to games and books - and discuss them with other awesome people. It grew from a simple email list to talk about apps and websites into a website where people started â€Å"hunting† not only apps and sites but also books, games, movies, music, etc.More on Product Hunt: Erik’s actually being quite modest. Product Hunt is the leader in tech product discovery. Last time Reedsy was â€Å"hunted† there, we got a massive spike in traffic, and great feedback from early adopters: way it works is: people â€Å"hunt† (submit) products, and the curators select a few that are featured on the landing page. Users can then â€Å"upvote† the products they like most after reading more about them on their product hunt page. The products that get to the top are then selected for Product Hunt’s daily and weekly newsletters.A few months ago, you launched Product Hunt Books. What was the thinking behind it? Why books?We launched books for a few reasons. First, people started hunting books on the main website: Peter Thiel’s Zero to One did very well, Ashlee Vance’s biography of Elon Musk did very well, Eric Ries’ new book did very well, etc.More importantly, I’m a big fan of books! I love to read, and I realized that we had a lot of readers on Product Hunt. I knew Eric Ries had started a book club and that it had gone really well, so I decided to create one as well and a few thousand people joined in just to start.A lot of publisher s and authors are convinced there is a huge â€Å"content discoverability† problem in the book publishing industry. Would you agree with that? Does Product Hunt Books aim at solving it?Yeah, I think there’s a content discoverability problem for books. There are so many books out there but I want to read stuff that has been curated for me by either people who I really respect and follow or by my close friends. So we’re really investing in â€Å"collections† to make that possible: we have a collection by Mark Cuban, Eric Ries, and many more.More on collections: Collections also exist on the general Product Hunt website and work really well. Here’s an example: we get traffic coming from that one on a regular basis.For the future of Product Hunt Books, collections represent a huge opportunity for authors and readers. They offer every reader the opportunity to â€Å"curate† their own list of books, in a much more elegant way then Goodreads. Then, people can â€Å"follow† collections, the same way you would follow a book reviewer or blogger. As Product Hunt becomes less â€Å"tech-oriented† and gathers a more generalistic following, PHB collections could become one of the biggest players in book discoverability.How are the books featured on the Product Hunt Books page selected every day?We’ve got a team of curators who basically see the feed of submitted books and select which books to let through on the landing page every day. Those curators have been vetted by us and are people who’ve been familiar with Product Hunt for a while now.If I’m a reader, how does Product Hunt Books work? 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But the Product Hunt community is so big already that most of the time, it’s not going to be enough to move the needle. When Snoop posts something it sometimes goes to the top, but sometimes also doesn’t. Author s don’t have more followers than those guys do, so I’m not super worried about it!Testimonials from authors and publishersOf course, you don’t need to take Erik’s word for it. Here are two testimonials from people whose books have been featured on Product Hunt Books.Reedsy - The Fundraising Field GuideYou might remember we published a book at Reedsy a few months ago. As it was a â€Å"tech† book on fundraising, we thought that Product Hunt Books would be the perfect audience for it. And we were right, we got a nice spike on the day it was featured and over 100 upvotes on the book: now for Product Hunt Books?To sum up, Product Books represents not only an awesome marketing channel for authors who write for a tech-savvy audience. It also presents major new opportunity for the whole book industry if it manages to establish itself as a major player in the â€Å"book discovery† game. We can defin itely see that happening: in terms of user experience and design, and through its â€Å"collections†, it is, in theory, a much better platform for readers than, say, Goodreads. The question is whether it will be able to break out of its â€Å"techy† reputation and go mainstream to touch a wider variety of readers, and genres.In the meantime, if you have a new release and want to see if Product Hunt can be good for you, submit your book here: and then trust the little PH elves to make it rise. They’re usually nicer than the Amazon ones.Check out today's hunted book on the Product Hunt Books page!Do you think Product Hunt Books can become a major player in book discovery? Have you had your book featured there? Please leave us your thoughts and experiences in the comments below and join the conversation!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

LOVE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

LOVE - Essay Example The play â€Å"Sure Thing† by David Ives is a very good satire on the male-female relationship. It is evident that the theme of gender relationship is well documented in one act. The play is set inside a cafà © and it involves two characters Bill and Betty who are both in their twenties (Ives 1). Betty is busy reading a book at the end of the corner. Bill enters the cafà © and instead of looking for an empty sit away from her, approaches her. Bill is so eager to establish a communication with Betty. Therefore, he asks her whether the empty sit is taken, hurriedly Betty says yes. Bill apologizes and Betty replies by saying â€Å"sure thing† (Ives 1). In the background, a bell rings and the play commences again. It is evident that Betty rejects Bill over and over again. However, with every ring of the bell, Betty weakens and her interest is aroused. After several restarts, it is evident that Bill and Betty discover some similarities between them. They share some interes ts, for example, snack cakes or movies in addition to believing in marriage institution and children. In the ending, it is evident that Betty and Bill promises not only to love but also to cherish each other. It is evident that communication is important in developing both love and gender relations. It is through communication that a man can convince a woman so to establish a love relationship, as evidenced between Bill and Betty (Ives 3). However, in the Odyssey, there is manifestation of gender relationships through different gender roles that exist within the Homers epic. For example, there is a relationship between Odysseus and his wife, Penelope. The relation is a clear manifestation of the different roles that men and women play in the society and in particular within Homer’s epic. Penelope is the most significant character in the whole epic. The theme of love is evident throughout the epic. For instance, homecoming of Odysseus is mainly centered on

Friday, October 18, 2019

Tourism - Operation Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tourism - Operation Management - Essay Example Handling the transport of the visitors is a major concern for tourist sector because it would influence the activities of major hotels that would be hosting visitors (Alcantara, 2012:1). A delay created by the transport department would reverberate to influence programs of tourism industry. The intention of this paper is to investigate London 2012’s, current transportation network, and how it may affect the transfer of clients during the duration of their stay. The paper will recommend how tour operator business can ensure good performance while delivery high quality. London has embarked on infrastructure development, which includes building of rail line, expansion of roads as well refurbishing of personal houses be individuals. The private sector expects to rent their apartments to Olympics tourists. Stores have made adequate arrangement for goods in the wake of the Olympics. Goal of London Olympics Olympics has diverse goals which aim at creating development opportunities, p romoting women interest, protecting athletics, creating of avenues, which bring sustainable development and creating sporting opportunity during summer. The current situation London transport system depends on the services of trains, roads, underground trains, and air transport. Since UK got the opportunity to host Olympics think tanks have been assessing the current trends of transport network with a view of meeting needs of visitors that London would host. Current reports shows that London trains, buses and underground trains struggle to make 12 million journeys in a day. The figure is likely to rise following the demands that the transport sector would meet during Olympics. Organizers of the Olympics believe that London will have to meet the needs of 3 million extra journeys. London expects to host 10,500 athletes, 20,000 journalists, and 9,000 officials (Travis, 2011:16). The major concern is the ability of the transport system to facilitate timely arrival of the athletes. The c hallenges have necessitated creation of a program, which intends to upgrade the transport sector to cope with the anticipated number. Tour sector has numerous services, which include transportation, booking, reservation, ticketing among others. The sector host taxi operators as well as tour cars that offer services from one destination to the other. The road situation in London has an ability of supporting a given number of vehicles thereby influencing the approach that London Olympic committee would take (Great Britain. 2006:132). The idea is to meet the needs of the Olympic tourists as well as meeting the needs of tourists. Balancing the two issues is quite intricate given the situation of infrastructure (roads, railway line, and airports). Environment for Tour Industry Strength London boost of its capacity to receive tourists across the globe. It is one of most visited city in the world. It is a major destination for visitors because of business that it commands and leisure activ ities that many visitors acquire when they come to London. Hotel industry in London is one of flourishing sectors because of the population that they serve around the year. London has regional air services, which offer transport at reasonable costs. Olympic tourists can use the opportunity to visit in lands or other regions of the country. Opportunities London has a legacy of housing plan that can accommodate the visitors. It also command sustainable

Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assessment - Essay Example 75% of participants in the study indicated they had experienced financial losses as a result of information security incidents (Richardson, 2003). Healthcare organizations are in an especially vulnerable position because of the sensitivity of the information stored on their systems. Accordingly, it is imperative that Healthcare Oganization A adopt and implement an intrusion detection system (IDS). Following a definition of IDS, this essay will argue the imperatives of our organization are adopting such a system. IDSs are similar to home burglar alarm systems, alerting neighbors, homeowners, and law enforcement that someone or something has broken through the security measures. ID techniques attempt to identify and isolate computer and network attacks by observing traffic logs or audit data. IDSs are based on the idea that an intruder can be detected through the examination of various elements. Such as, network traffic, packet elements, central processing unit use, input/output use, and file activities (Proctor, 2001). IDSs are powerful tools used to reduce and monitor computer attacks. The goal of ID is to positively identify all true attacks and negatively identify all non-attacks (Proctor, 2001). ... To fully protect an organization, it is necessary to audit the network on a regular basis for intrusion attempts. An intrusion is any set of actions that attempts to compromise the availability, integrity, or confidentiality of the system. To make an audit easier, a new category of software has emerged: the IDS (Proctor). ID is needed because firewalls cannot provide complete protection against intrusion. Experience teaches us never to rely on a single defensive line or technique. A firewall serves as an effective noise filter, stopping many attacks before they can enter an organization's networks. However, firewalls are vulnerable to errors in configuration and ambiguous or undefined security policies. They are also generally unable to protect against malicious mobile code, insider attacks, and unsecured modems. Firewalls rely on the existence of a central point through which traffic flows. With a growing trend toward geographically distributed networks with internal and external users, there is a greater chance for compromise. Therefore, the absence of central points for firewall monitoring purposes is a relevant concern. A computer system should provide confidentiality, integrity, availability, and assurance against DoS. However, due to increased connectivity (especially on the Internet) and the vast spectrum of financial possibilities that are opening up, more and more systems are subject to attack by intruders. These subversion attempts try to exploit flaws in the operating system as well as in application programs and have resulted in spectacular incidents like the Internet Worm incident of 1988 (Bandy, Money, Worstell, & Saita,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Employee Appraisals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee Appraisals - Assignment Example Concerning communication, informal discussions may take place on a daily basis. This method is very crucial in providing immediate feedback and help steer changes more easily and at times more conveniently. Formal appraisals are more detailed and properly laid down. They are known to provide the management and the employees the opportunities they need to review prior performance, discuss, or communicate expectations of each party, and make plans for the future development of the company. If the employees have their weaknesses pointed out, there is no doubt they will want to improve. As mentioned above, performance appraisals are helpful in communicating the expectations of a job. If the employees are continually informed on what is required of them, they will not be acting blindly but will be having the goals of the company on mind. The understanding on the roles they are supposed to play in the business that makes it possible to increase their performance. In other words, the system helps the employee prioritize on their duties. Most employees may feel detached from their jobs if the relationship between them and their supervisors is a master-servant one. The performance appraisals work effectively in opening the lines of communication between the two parties thus making the employees feel like they are business partners. The strategic advantage created in this case is one that sees a system foster its employees’ performance and in turn boost the prospects of success for the business.

Why is the conviction rate for rape so low in the United Kingdom Dissertation

Why is the conviction rate for rape so low in the United Kingdom - Dissertation Example More often than not, the prosecution and defence parties know each other, making the witness accounts more likely to involve some bias. Despite this, it is suggested that the United Kingdom has some of the best training in the world for officers dealing with rape cases, with a huge number of restrictions and guidelines in relation to these cases. However, the conviction rate for rape still remains extremely low, especially when compared with that of other physical crimes. The Association of Chief Police Officers lead for rape has suggested that this might be because the training is often ignored, perhaps due to the personal nature of rape cases. The purpose of this investigation is to critically review the available literature on the topic to ascertain further reasons why this conviction rate is still so low for cases of rape. This will provide material to evaluate the situation for rape victims (and those falsely accused of rape) in the U.K. and perform a critical reflection on the subject. This material will be used to show that it is the very nature of rape that ensures the conviction rate remains at this low percentage, although changes in procedure may help the proceedings in some cases. Definitions and Types of Rape Perhaps something that makes cases of rape more likely to go unprosecuted is that the definition of rape changes between individuals and between organizational bodies. This could have a number of consequences, not least being that jurors may have differing opinions that make prosecution difficult. The United Nations (UN) definition of rape is ‘sexual intercourse without valid consent’6, which in the United Kingdom includes minors under 16 years of age who are not legally able to give ‘valid consent’. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests that rape is ‘physically forced or otherwise coerced penetration – even if slight – of the vulva or anus, using a penis, other body parts or an objectâ€⠄¢7, again focusing on penetration being the definitive act. Some feel that this is exclusive of those who experience sexual misconduct without penetration. Within the United Kingdom, the Sexual Offences Act 2003 defines rape as an act which can only be carried out by a man, must involve penetration and this man must not reasonably believe that there is consent.8 This is the definition that will be used throughout this essay, as it is useful from a legal context, despite the social issues that it may provoke. Rape & Prosecution Rates in the United Kingdom The Home Office publishes statistics on rape cases, which provide a useful basis for any research on rape in the United Kingdom. The following figures do not include statutory rape; all the cases reported here are by male and female victims aged between 16 and 59. This gives the rate of rape and attempted rate for 2006 as about 0.5% of women in the 16-59 age group, or one in every 200 women9. When cases of attempted rate are exclud ed, the rate remains high at 0.3%. Overall, the best estimate for sexual assault crimes was that it affected It was reported that 53% of cases of serious sexual assault against women were caused by a partner (a complicating factor that will be discussed below), whilst in men the most common

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employee Appraisals Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employee Appraisals - Assignment Example Concerning communication, informal discussions may take place on a daily basis. This method is very crucial in providing immediate feedback and help steer changes more easily and at times more conveniently. Formal appraisals are more detailed and properly laid down. They are known to provide the management and the employees the opportunities they need to review prior performance, discuss, or communicate expectations of each party, and make plans for the future development of the company. If the employees have their weaknesses pointed out, there is no doubt they will want to improve. As mentioned above, performance appraisals are helpful in communicating the expectations of a job. If the employees are continually informed on what is required of them, they will not be acting blindly but will be having the goals of the company on mind. The understanding on the roles they are supposed to play in the business that makes it possible to increase their performance. In other words, the system helps the employee prioritize on their duties. Most employees may feel detached from their jobs if the relationship between them and their supervisors is a master-servant one. The performance appraisals work effectively in opening the lines of communication between the two parties thus making the employees feel like they are business partners. The strategic advantage created in this case is one that sees a system foster its employees’ performance and in turn boost the prospects of success for the business.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Synthesis Sport and Ethnography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Synthesis Sport and Ethnography - Essay Example Nancy Nerenberg uses her article â€Å"next game† to convince the society that women participation in sport is rewarding although the sports had been a culture of men. Women involved in various sports attract media coverage. This is because for a long time, few women have risen above tradition cocoon to take part in sports. Sporting makes women gain a sense of community in public places and in the entire society. This paper argues that exemplary performance of women in sports is a clear indication of women potentiality in sports. Natalie argues that penetration of women into games such as skateboarding draws attention of very many people in the society. This occurs because skateboarding has been a preserve of men. Natalie observes that when a woman makes the decision of taking part in skateboarding it goes against the common grain of a male dominated game. Women who take part and perform exemplary in skateboarding often feel confident of the identity in the society. Women pene tration into skateboarding is still low. Skateboarders argue that women culture is a factor that has contributed to this low numbers. According to Natalie, girls fear to register bruises or scars on their bodies. On the contrary, women participants in skateboarding have shown exemplary performance and won public support. Feminine passivity in sports is a factor that influences individual performance of women skateboarding. ... This was contrary to the views of her father who viewed skating as a game of men. It is evident the exemplary women performers have struggled in their communities to rise to those heights. Facing the cultural odds in the society requires motivation. Convincing the society to accept uncommon culture is another uphill task or challenge that women have to face. The skateboarding has recognized the significance performance of women. Women skaters have to endure what would rather look like intimidating experience when performing amid men. This occurs because a woman skater may fail to get women peers to take part in skate game. Largely, women skaters confess to have taken some time practicing alone because of the cultural constraints that they face in the game. Nerenberg argues that basketball game is a sport that is a preserve for men for a very long time. The number of women participants in the game is low because of the cultural practices in the game. The game is roughly played, thus a ttracting the interest of a few women. Further, feminine passivity in the society influence the choice of sport that women would play. Nerenberg illustrates in her article that notions that attribute a particular game to a particular sex complicate the role of women in the game. The norms of the game and the nature of play is another factor that deprived women from taking active role. However, Nerenberg argues that male dominance in the game illustrates the perception that women have towards the game. Other than this, it also illustrates the societal inclinations or societal perception towards women. Largely, the society viewed women as weak for the game. Courage and strength are some of the things that influence participation of women. Another reason why a few women went for the

Business Communication - My Role Model in Career Essay Example for Free

Business Communication My Role Model in Career Essay Mr. Mahbub Hossain, my line manager of my previous office, is my role model for my career path. He is the CSM (Customer Service Manager)of Joydebpur branch, Brac Bank LTD. In brief, he is getting MBA from IBA along with his job. Was graduated from DU (Finance), prior that he took places in both HSC SSC examinations. As I worked with him, I found many good qualities in him. By times, I took him as a role model as his qualities impressed me. I am going to point out two of them which is leadership quality and secondly, quick decision (appropriate) making ability. As I have seen him closely, I found all the qualities that a leader should have. He guided the team successfully to achieve the organizational goal. He teamed us up too strongly cheered us to act spontaneously to meet up the goals. He used to take initiatives for cheering us up. So that we never been tired in meeting our business targets. Theory says, a leader has to have seven qualities, but I found more in him. Out of the theoretical ones, his friendly caring attitude made us believe that we are not only team players, even more than that. Personal recognitions helped a lot to follow his leadership willingly, not only for his designation. His interpersonal communication skill ability of finding out team members strength or weakness made him a successful leader. I found him always remain calm in critical situations and controlled tactfully. Always stand with subordinates against all odds (from outside) is remarkable. His keen knowledge and prompt decision making ability is an effective quality for any career. I always found him deciding with the best option. Some of his effective decisions saved potential losses. He even made critical decisions over the phone in instant. His knowledge on current issues, updating about the recent changes made him up to this standard. We people learn from the surrounding. I passed a long time with Mr. Mahbub inside as well outside of our office. I try to adapt these two qualities in me. I wish to be a leader like him as my team members also think like that we are in a team, not like a orderer follower relation. To get leadership quality like him I try to spend more time with him. Whenever we meet, we share our ides. I am gathering theoretical data as I can even exceed his leadership quality. It was said, â€Å"Leaders are born, not made. † But recent studies proved that these leadership qualities can be developed to a great extent. I attended a training program at Briddhi with him (arranged by our organization), which was meant for mid level managers and up comers. Finding out colleges ability seems tough to me. I found this as my area of developments. At any stage of career I should be prompt in making quick decisions with accuracy. As I said just ago, I discuss about every issue with him. If there is any situation I have to decide anything at once, I let him know about the issue and exchange ideas for improvement scopes. Knowledge gathering is a key to professional success. Thats why, I get myself admitted MBA here. I am studying here with hope, I can implement these theoretical knowledge at my workplace. I read a lot of articles written on banking FI (Financial Institutes). Current issues mostly published on web or newspapers. For making myself up to date about, I go through them. Internal circulars helps a lot to updating myself.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Mauritius As A Green Destination Tourism Essay

The Mauritius As A Green Destination Tourism Essay Fifty years ago, tourism was a word rarely used by most people. However, over the time, it has witnessed a dramatic transformation into a multifaceted activity. Travel and tourism have been confined to a privileged few, namely the rich at the early time. Now, tourism has grown to such dimensions and importance that it is regarded as one of the fastest growing industry in the world, transforming into a mean of development for several countries, including many Small Island Developing Countries (SIDS) like Mauritius (UNWTO, 2011). Today, it is understood by people all over the world, many regard holidays as part of everyday life and foreign travel is taken for granted. Consequently, holidays making has become a booming business. Tourism and hospitality industry is now recognized as the worlds largest and fastest growing industry, as it is estimated that between 1950 and 2004, tourism activities have increased from 25 million to 763 million worldwide, with an estimation of 1.6 billion by 2020- an average annual rate of about 6.5 percent (WTO, 2004). Profile of Mauritius Mauritius, an island on the outskirts of tropical Africa, has a nice card to play as a tourism destination and it is endowed with resources and has the potential to be a green destination. Mauritius surrounded by cobalt blue seas with long beaches and soft and silvery sand makes the island an ideal tourist attraction. Mauritius is a fascinating island which is loaded with historic sites, cultural diversity, geographic variations and nature. The Aapravasi Ghat- the Immigration Depot where indentured laborers disembarked, was declared as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO in 2006. Later on in 2008, Le Morne Cultural Landscapes- which encompasses a natural fortress that was used as a retreat for escaping slaves in the island in the 18th and early 19th century was nominated as World Heritage Site. Black River Gorges National Park is on the tentative list of Mauritius to be nominated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site. 1.2 Mauritius as a green Destination Across the globe, public is increasingly concerned about environment issues, thus tourism destinations are realizing that adopting green practices and green management are rapidly becoming a strategic tool that can enhance a destinations competitive advantage. The facts that people are beginning to look at green practices in a whole new way; it is a must to involve sustainability in the hotel industry. The perception of green has change; it has gone from a fringe movement to a mainstream. The tourism market has been diversifying into different sub segments in order to respond to the exact needs and wants of their customers. Tourism is regarded as the main economic pillar of Mauritius, indeed the Travel and Tourism industry brings many positive impacts in Mauritius but the fact that alongside with these advantages, other factors like climate change, pollution and effects of tourism practices have also created a hot issue in the Tourism arena. The negative impacts of tourism activities has resulted in an increasing demand of green destination, meaning destination where there are visible efforts of protecting and sustaining the environment by dealing with issues like carbon emissions, bio diversity conservation, resources usage, water supply and waste management. It can be said that the tourism and the environment sustainability concept are visibly becoming natural partners. Green tourism, for the past couple of years, has been a crucial factor for tourists while opting for a destination. Mauritius has several sites that encourage green tourism such as Pamplemousses Garden (it ranks among the most famous botanical gardens in the world with its giants water lilies and evocation spice plants), Domaine Les Pailles (a natural park spreading over 3000 acres at the foot of a mountain range), Casela Bird Park (which stretches over 25 hectares and contains more than 140 species of birds from five continents), Black River Gorges, Ile aux Aigrette and among others. A green destination can contribute to favourable behavioural intentions: intentions to revisit or an intention to offer positive recommendations to others. 1.3 Problem Statement Although Mauritius is heavily dependent on income derived from tourism, it is important that the countrys natural resources be maintained for future generation to experience. Therefore, going green is a key component of the next phase of change in the industry. To better analyze the relevance of Mauritius in relation to green destination, the concept must clearly be defined: Green Tourism may be defined as In short, green tourism is all about adapting to and mitigating climate change in relation to tourism, about green market, green programmes, green practices and among others. Originally, the term green related in business operations to environmental matters but now it embraces all aspects of sustainable development. Mauritius hosted 925 000 tourists excluding transit and cruise passengers in 2011, whereas in the year 2010 the arrival rate was 898 000. Although there is an increase of 3% which may seem respectable at first sight but, however, it pales in comparison to double digit growth rates earned by Indian Ocean peers, for example Maldives +18%, Seychelles +11% and Sri Lanka +31%. Mauritius registered a decline which was partly offset by greater penetration into Eastern Europe and Asia. Mauritius has plunged from a dominant 41% to 33% of Indian Ocean market in just two short years. The tourists arrival for 2012 was 938 000 and the year 2012 was a difficult year wherein Europe slipped back into recession and this recession is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. It is feared that 2013 may be as harsh as 2012. However, tourism has not reached the end of the journey; it finds itself at a critical juncture where Mauritius has to diverse to a new market segment which is the green market. Mauritius must realize that in order to stay competitive, becoming green must be a principal element of branding and marketing policies. Failing to adopt such an approach may mean losing a loyal customer base. By advertising Mauritius as a green destination, the tourism industry will show their environmental responsibility of tourist operations to attract green tourists and improve their standard with customers. 1.4 Aims and Objectives of the research Green tourism has been identified as one of the most important economy driver for most developing countries. My objective is to market Mauritius as a green destination to benefit from competitive advantage. Therefore, my aims are: To explore the reasons why Mauritius should be promoted as Green-destination To explore the possible ways to build up a sustainable image of the country To focus on the potential ways for establishing green tourism that can benefits local community To examine on some critical issues which could act as barriers from benefitting from green tourism In particular based on the research findings, I will offer recommendations in the field of green tourism in Mauritius 1.5 Organisation of the study This study is organized into five chapters listed as below: Chapter one: deals with the background information, problem statement, research aims and objectives Chapter two: provides a review of the literature on Green Destination Chapter three: presents the methodology of the study, explains the steps involved in developing research design, sampling and data collection procedures Chapter four: includes and presents the findings and results in the statistical analysis Chapter five: summarise the whole study with a conclusion and recommendation. LITTERATURE REVIEW The modern tourists opt for green tourism: Green Tourism, synonymous in meaning with eco-tourism is responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people (TIES, 1990), as they want to lower their carbon footprint. Nowadays, customers no longer accept just linen and towel reuse programs as being enough green practices in the green destination concept. They consider factors that are leading to energy efficiency, a proper waste division, procurement, and water conservation (Heisterkamp, 2009; Wolff, 2008). Tourism destinations and tourism industry need to position themselves to meet these challenges and take advantage of new opportunities arising from changing consumer preferences as well as changing environmental and business practices. Green Research within Hospitality Industry Buying a certificate doesnt make you green said Lyndall De Marco, executive director, International Tourism Partnership, The Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum. Being green begins with a thought process De Marco said. What makes hotel sustainable involves an integrated, holistic process that encompasses site use, water and energy use, materials and resources, operations and community and social relations. (DESIGN: Patricia Sheehan, Hotel Design Managing Editor) The global environmental certification program for the travel and tourism industry was developed in 1996 by three international organizations: the World Travel Tourism Council, the World Tourism Organisation and the Earth Council. These organizations jointly launched an action plan entitled Agenda 21 for the Travel Tourism Industry: Towards Environmentally Sustainable Development. Subsequently, Green Globe, a benchmarking, certification and performance-improvement program based on the Agenda 21 principles, was created. This program identifies the environmental and developmental issues which threaten the economy and ecological balance, and presents a strategy for transition to more sustainable development practices. Hotels receive Green Globe certification by addressing major environmental issues in key areas including: greenhouse emissions, energy efficiency, management of freshwater resources, ecosystem conservation, and waste water and solid waste management. Reasons to go for Green Destination: Eco-tourism is not a new phenomenon. Nature-based tourism has a long tradition (Ousby, 2002). Modern forms of eco-tourism became popular in the 1980s but can be traced back to the wildlife conservation reserves in Kenya opening to tourists in the 1960s (Honey, 2009). Academic study of eco-tourism has grown steadily over the past two decades (Jayawardena et al., 2008). Enthusiasm for the issue reflects the segments buoyancy over the past 20 years (Mastny, 2001, The International Ecotourism Society, 2006) and greater consensus on the meaning of key concepts (Horobin, 1996). A destinations environment, often a core component of its image, is a key factor motivating tourists destination choice and loyalty (Meng and Uysal, 2008; Hosany et al., 2006). With rising concern over the impacts of global warming, there is a danger that tourism operators and destination marketing organizations (DMOs) will exaggerate their eco-credentials. Consumer Demand The last few years have been a considerable increase in consumer awareness of green tourism, partly may be because of extensive media coverage. Consumers are increasingly seeking environmentally friendly products and have a greater understanding of the impacts of green practices and climate change. There are an increasing number of consumers who are willing to change their actions in relation to these issues, and tourism industry can target these consumers to gain a competitive advantage. A range of studies, three of which are referenced below, have been undertaken to look at the correlation between environmental impacts of tourism and changes in consumer behavior. The studies have investigate the gap between what people who have changed their behavior or are willing to pay more for a green experience. Tourists are increasingly demanding that the destinations are pollution free as well as interesting. Consumers awareness regarding green tourism has also fuelled concern among some travelers and made them reluctant to undertake tourism activities such as long haul travel. In May 2008, a joint Commonwealth and State study into consumer awareness found that although consumers feel that the environment is of major important, they have the tendancy not to take responsibility for environmental issues. Many also feel that travel is a compensation to be enjoyed with carefree and without any tension that they are causing any harm to the environment. Their main purpose is to enjoy. The study notes that there is a difference between attitudes and behaviours for approximately 44 percent of those surveyed. However, supporting the findings of the 2007 Lonely Planet Travellers Pulse Survey (24, 500 respondents worldwide) found the following in relation to consumer demand: 84 percent of respondents said they would consider offsetting their emissions in the future (3 percent had done so in the past). 90 percent of people said they would or might purposefully travel in a low impact way; and 93 percent of people said they would or might purposefully partake in environmentally friendly travel in the future. A Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre (STCRC) study also found out that 70 percent of tourists surveyed indicated that they would change their travel pattern or plans in the future to be more green. Another study conducted in India which surveyed Indian consumers about their attitudes towards green practices in the tourism industry showed that 22 percent of the respondents seek out environmental properties (Manaktola Jauhari, 2007). In the United States, 43,000,000 travelers are environmentally concerned (Greening your travel experience, 1998). Gustin and Weaver (1996) found that 73.7 percent of respondents considered themselves environmentally conscious consumers; while 54.3 percent thought of themselves as environmentally conscious travelers. Competitive Advantage Green destinations are becoming increasingly popular due to the current environmental crisis that is occurring worldwide. It has become obvious that the tourism industry does more than its share in damaging and exploiting environmental resources. As a result, more and more tourists are looking for destinations following practices to protect environment. Becoming a green destination can be the foundation for a great marketing strategy and the first step in marketing is providing consumers with what they or need. A growing consumer base exists for green destinations, and marketing the green practices of a destination can help to position it distinctly in the market place. Therefore, going green makes each property unique, and furthermore creates a competitive advantage. Sustainable competitive advantage exists with the ownership or a valuable resource that allows the organizations to perform better or more efficient than their competitors (Graci Dodds, 2008, p.256). For tourism industry, green programmes can provide a competitive advantage, as long as green activities are still optional in the market. Eventually, green practices are becoming a baseline requirement, because the cost of non-renewable energy continues to increase. Therefore, proactive tourism destinations with sustainable green models will have the strongest opportunity of achieving a competitive advantage (Ernst Young Report: Hospitality Going Green). By doing and practicing environment friendly practices destinations gain positive publicity, customer loyalty, hence a definite competitive edge over competitors (Guskin Weaver, 1996). Green hotels create a competitive advantage for themselves by attracting and retaining their employees. Employee turnover is one of the biggest problems and expenses within the hotel industry. However, studies have shown that environmentally conscious hotels have greater employee loyalty. A Canadian study reported that employees are far more likely to identify with an employer whose principles and practices are in tune with current trends (Graci Dodds, 2008). Environmental initiatives have shown to be a valuable way to create passion and encourage team work to achieve a central goal (Graci Dodds, 2008). Team work must be inspired from the top down in a hotel. The Orchard Gardens general manager, Stefan Muhle, said you just cant send out a memo, (Dicum, 2007) All the staffs have to be included front to back. Their heart has to be in it (Dicum, 2007). Each staff member needs to be educated in what the hotel is doing to achieve sustainability goals so they can not only participate, bu t also answer guest questions (Dicum, 2007). By educating staff members, including them, keeping them informed and challenging them to achieve goals, management of green hotels excites their staff and allows them to identify with their organization; which leads to lower turnover rates. Lower turnover rates in turn save the hotel expenses involved with recruiting, hiring, and training new employees. The competitive advantages realized by green hotels do not stop with retaining employees; consumers do seek out green hotels. Green hotels are becoming increasingly popular due to the current environmental crisis that is occurring worldwide. Green hotels are few and far between across not only the United States, but also the world. Therefore, going green makes each property unique, and furthermore creates a competitive advantage. Therefore, sustainable competitive advantage exists with the ownership or a valuable resource that allows the organizations to perform better or more efficient t han their competitors (Graci Dodds, 2008, p. 256). The Cedar House Sport Hotel, for example, has gardens on the roof of their hotel. The gardens attract local birds and insects for guests to observe, which in turn attracts more guests. However, the gardens also serve another purpose, as they cool the hotel during the summer months (Dicum, 2007). Environment Toolkit Unplanned or uncontrolled tourism can be a cause of negative impacts such as the physical deterioration of the destination facilities and the destruction of the natural environment. It can also create conflict at the destination areas on the issues of access, irresponsible behavior by tourists, competition for labour, soil, erosion and land prices (Mathieson and Wall, 1982). Environment responsibility makes ecological sense, because keeping the environment pristine means that tourists will come to appreciate and enjoy the natural beauty of the destination. Gone are the days when going green necessarily meant making large investments in expensive technology. The main reason for tourists to travel to a destination is to look for authencity and real experiences (not artificial culture devised to deceive tourists) such as wildlife, historic townscape, scenery. They also respect local identity, its special features that make a destination different and unique- this could be the Taj Mahal of India, or cobalt blue seas of Mauritius. Tourism is among the highest contributor to green house gas emissions and these emissions are likely to increase with tourism sector growth. Tourism accommodation, transport, events and attractions consume significant amount of fuel, energy and water and can impact the natural environment. Of these, air transport is by far the largest contributor to tourism, accounting for 40% of the sectors contribution to co2 emissions globally. The introduction of low cost carriers airlines has improved accessibility to flights and opened travel markets but in turn has increased energy consumption. These wildlife, historic townscape and scenery form the core products of tourism industry and if these core products continued to be harmed by the pollution or other environmental impacts, then the very foundation on which the industry stands will be eroded. The tourism industry in particular has recently received much attention with awareness of the negative impacts that are having on the environment (Kasim, 2004). Emergence of Alternative Tourism The government has announced a visitor target of 2 million by 2020, therefore Mauritius has recently been experiencing a surge in tourism and tourism-related activities, but this growth is also raising concerns that mass tourism development could lead to the destruction of the countrys fragile coastline, fauna and flora. There has been a narrow thinking in pursuit of increased number of tourists without seriously understanding the benefit that local communities derived from tourism or the real cost of tourism for the local community and environment being assessed. Setting targets for doubling the tourist arrival rate, which were believed to bring much more capital, but this is not the case. Alternative forms of tourism tend to be geared to more responsible tourism. Different forms of alternative tourism serve different purposes. Most forms aim to reduce the adverse impacts of mass tourism. Some forms may aim to reduce or dissipate the influence of the existing industry that has developed under a strong western influence, while some aim only for a new or special market that have emerged as a result of shifts in global trade and the political relationship among different nations. Thus, alternative tourism can be seen both as a vision of the future and as an adaptation to mass tourism, however, are closely linked with the sustainable development paradigm. The benefits of responsible tourism are not far off and unclear. They are achievable, and in most cases, can be perceived immediately. On the other hand, it may take years before the negative impacts of environmental neglect are felt. By advertising Mauritius as a green destination, Mauritius will not just pursue an increase in tourist number but instead they will focus more on what kind of tourists want and these tourists will then be directed to the most appropriate areas as suitable. Creating a Green Destination The breadth and depth of opportunity for a destination to establish green credentials is immense, and continues to grow. There are a number of ways in which a destination can work with the environment to create a unique, compelling, and competitive destination. To name a few: ECO-TOURISM: One of the most popular approaches to Going Green eco-tourism (as a globally recognized and celebrated niche offering) puts engaging with the natural environment of the destination at the centre of the offering. Destinations which take pride in their abundant wildlife, flora and fauna have successfully created traveler experiences which make it possible to be immersed in and involved with nature as a tourism attraction which can be seen, felt and even contributed to. In addition, eco-tourism destinations offer the benefit of an enhanced sense of wellness from being in such a pure environment (even if sophisticated in design, that is: Six Senses Wellness Resorts) with opportunity to partake in excursions focused on being at one with nature. ECO-FRIENDLY: Destinations which define themselves as Going Green from an ecofriendly perspective openly and voluntarily adopt and express environmentally friendly practices which, while seemingly small, can in fact make a big difference when added up. The desire to be considerate of the impact of the industry (or parts of it) on the environment are there, with efforts made to do the little things which are simply the right thing to do. Eco-friendly efforts include basic environmentally considerate changes to existing infrastructure, i.e. frequency of linen washing, keypads in hotel rooms to turn on/off power mains, increased air conditioner temperatures in large spaces, replacement of traditional light bulb to energy saving bulbs, selective recycling efforts (like grey water). Interestingly, destinations venturing into these even incremental practices will notice a positive impact on the bottom line. ECO-POLICIES: Getting more serious about the impact which the industry has on the environment, enforcement of eco-policies by governments and tourism corporations reflects the fundamental philosophy held by leaders of a destination and tourism business towards energy conservation and environmental responsibility. Enforcement of policy removes the window of choice for members of the Tourism community, making changes to existing and future tourism products and services changes to increase energy efficiency and/or reduce wastage of resources a must. These policies do not apply purely to destinations which exist within locations surrounded by greenery and teeming with wildlife. Even the most built-up, uber-urban, heavily-populated areas which could be described more as concrete jungles than even garden cities can successfully impose and activate green policies and incentives. Macau, as an example, has put in place a green hotel awards programme for international developers of resorts and casinos scr ambling to get a piece of the action and place a bet on tourism growth in the new Asian tourism hot spot. The initiative by Macaus Environment Council (now Environmental Protection Bureau), which was introduced in 2007, drives across the industry the importance of environmental management in the hotel sector while giving high-profile, highly-respected recognition to those hotels mobilising environmentally sound management policies. ECO-ENGINEERED: Linked to the above, eco-engineering is the adoption of new generation technology and practices into new tourism products, services and developments, effectively making obsolete old, less energy-efficient methods. This increasing sensitivity to the design and development of tourism industry assets, particularly major structures such as airports, retail centres, theatres, hotels and conference centres, can have a dramatic effect on the impact which the industry has on the environment, both visibly and invisibly. The following eco-engineering concepts are just a few of the energy-smart and environmentally sensitive techniques increasingly being built into new TT infrastructure: o Water heating: heat recovered from the hotels air-conditioning system used to warm water for swimming pools; solar panels for water used in hotels and spas; o Temperature Control: solar glazing in windows and doors assists in maintaining constant interior temperatures; o Lighting: energy efficient lights and lamps; movement sensors for after-hour lighting in common areas and underground parking; keycard room power control; o Air conditioning: sensors automatically switch off air-conditioning in the bedrooms when doors to balconies or terraces are opened; o Irrigation: rainwater is directed off the roofs via an extensive underground pipe network to a large storage tank for use in the gardens; Interestingly, initial investment into green design often proves to be a valuable revenue protector as operating costs can be dramatically reduced. The green economy is a reality, a much needed and a deeply meaningful one. Taking into account the above possible approaches to Going Green, and many others which exist, tourism industry leaders within both the public and private sector need to look closely at how they plan to, and often must, incorporate Going Green into their tourism growth strategy, ethos, Brand and business models. Form follows function. Function follows philosophy

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Post Emancipation of Slaves Essay -- American History

After the emancipation of slaves, many things changed throughout the south. The slaves had the title of freed people, but these freed people didn't have the same rights and privileges as their white counterparts. Even though the freed slaves were suppose to be able to live an equal life with the whites, the whites still found ways to keep the African-Americans from being equal with them on all levels. The whites imposed all kinds of hidden rules towards the blacks and the consequence of breaking those laws was death. The whites did not want the ex slaves to be equal and even after the white men's mistress failed at assuming the jobs of their ex slaves, the slave masters still didn't give blacks credit for being able to do the work that they did. Things did not get better until after the civil rights movement and even then, things are as great as they should be. Things before the civil rights movement, from the beginning of slavery to the civil rights movement was the worst that it co uld get and even now there is only a little sign of improvement, but the fact that people in the world who still wants to see racial equality show that the fight for equality isn't over and it won't be until the goal at hand is successful. After the emancipation of slaves, the wives had to take over the role that the former slaves once did. The wives had to cook, sweep, wash the clothes, feed the animals, milk the cows, take care of the children, and clean. The wives of these former slave owners had to assume the jobs that the freed slaves abandoned and they also had to do the things that they normally did when the slaves were there. At first they were upset because they knew that once their slaves left, they would have to fulfill the duties ... ... place. When the blacks moved to the city they faced hatred and they got harassed by the whites and the current black residents. The newly blacks that moved to the city not only faced hatred and harassment, but also city officials made things much harder for blacks to be able to move into the cities. In conclusion, the black have faced many problems after the emancipation of slaves. Even though things did not get better for the freed blacks until the civil rights movement, things still were better then being someone's slave. The emancipation of the slaves not only affected the blacks but also the whites. The whites were affected because now they had to do all their work themselves and they had to face the fact that the blacks were suppose to be equal with them, which is why they tried their best to keep the black people down socially, politically, and economically.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

BaBar Experiment :: Chemistry Science Scientific Essays

BaBar Experiment Abstract I investigated the L = 1 mesons D*2(2460)0 and D1(2420)0 using data gathered by the BaBar detector at Pep-II. The decay process of these particles is interesting because it could serve to confirm or deny certain predictions made by HQET models. Thus far, the data gathered rougly conforms with measurements made by the CLEO and ARGUS collaborations. The data is still preliminary, however, and as such this paper should be considered merely a summary of the work done thus far. 1 Introduction 1.1 The BaBar experiment The BaBar detector at Pep-II was designed to study B mesons produced in asymmetric e+e- collisions. \Asymmetric" refers to the fact that the colliding electrons and positrons have different energies. This gives the resulting particles momentum in the laboratory reference frame, allowing their lifetimes to be measured even if they carry away most of the collision energy. In the current run at Pep-II, electrons are stored in one ring at 9 GeV and positrons in the other at 3.1 GeV. This sets the collision energy right at the T(4S) resonance, a short-lived combination of a bottom quark and its antiquark. This decays preferentially into a pair of mesons B and B|hence the name of the detector. Mesons are short-lived systems made up of a quark and an anti-quark; Bs are mesons in which one quark is a bottom (or an anti-bottom) and the other is a light quark (up, down, strange, or their corresponding antiquarks). The BaBar detector is optimized to measure the decay process of these B's as precisely as possible. It is hoped that differences between the B and the B decay processes will be uncovered and measured, which will lead to a better understanding of CP symmetry violation. \CP violation" describes an event that breaks the so-called Charge{ Parity symmetry. For a time, it was believed that if matter and antimatter were interchanged (hence, Charge) and if right and left were reversed (Parity), systems would behave in an identical manner. This symmetry has since been found to be broken in certain kaon decays, and it is suspected that further violations will be discovered in B decays. Note that if time is reversed as well as charge and parity, then the system will behave in an indentical manner; this is known as CPT symmetry, and is required for Lorentz transformations. It is hoped that learning more about events that violate the \broken" CP symmetry will shed some light on the relative scarcity of antimatter in the universe.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Human Behavior in Organization Essay

Human behavior in an organization determines the quality of work, progress and success of the organization. No machine and no computer can work by itself. No product is developed and manufactured by itself. It’s the workforce or rather the human resources of an organization who develop ideas, create new products and services and then deliver them to the markets. Thus, it is important for the management of an organization to analyze the behavior of its entire work force. Human performance consulting is in vogue today, thanks to the greater emphasis on he psychology of the people behind the desk. Every organization differs from the other with respect to its policies, work environment, recruitment process, Job evaluation and culture. The most natural human tendency is to react positively and with great intensity where they are compensated well, encouraged well and get additional perks and holidays. In no way is it being suggested that an organization should overpay its staff. However, it must be kept in mind that the organization must treat its work force with immense dignity and respect and provide sufficient compensation. Even make the cleaning staff in your organization feel special and encourage them to do their task in the best possible way! The work force must be treated as an asset, not a liability, and once this is done you will notice remarkable change in the collective human behavior. Apart from the internal environment of the office, the external personal environment plays a major role in his/her behavior and attitude. We are social animals with unique aspirations, hopes, insecurities. Only those who enjoy their work can have a healthy balance between personal and professional life. Those who don’t enjoy their work will most likely not be satisfied with the work nor be content in their personal life due to the imbalance that exists. One important way to analyze human behavior is to study the relationship effectiveness. How effectively your staff communicates and relates to each other can tell you how much they care for their work and the people around them. Without proper training the office dynamic can become imbalanced Just like any natural system. It is not likely for an accountant or a biologist to sit and study human behavior ffectively. You must have trained experts who understand the unique challenges the workplace brings. Not everybody is gifted with the skill to foresee a person’s behavior beforehand. JM Perry, through his coaching packages, helps develop these skills inside organizations. You can have professionals attending one-on-one sessions or learning through live chats or audio-video CDs. After completing Perrys coaching you will be able to comprehend how to analyze human behavior and how to improve your behavior.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Redken vs Wen

Staci Pritchett Eng 101-011 03/05/13 Try This Out Homework Assignment Redken products and Wen hair care system have some similarities . The both have products aimed for colored, oily, or dry hair. Redken is different from Wen because all of its hair cleaning products have sulfate in them ,whereas , Wen is sulfate free. Wen is different from Redken because it is a cleaning conditioner . Redken does not have any of their cleaning products as a cleansing conditioner.Redken has been a well known hair care company for the past fifty years . This hair care line has developed several products lines like the moisturing, fresh curls, and get it pump volumizing systems. Wen is a fairly new hair care line that was developed seventeen years ago. Wen has only a few products in it hair care line like the sweet almond mint, lavender, and pomegranate cleaning conditioner. Wen also only has one styling product and deep conditioner. Redken and Wen are both hair care lines.They have a cleansing system, deep conditioning, and styling products essay writer online. Redken and Wen hair care companies have both been around for many years. Not a lot of people know that Redken hair care was invented by an actress and her hairstylist. Wen was invented by a hairstylist that did hair for many years but was never happy with using salon products cause his clients hair still looked damaged and dry. So he decided to develop his own hair care line for his clients but eventually went worldwide with his products.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Zimbabwe and Global Health Care Systems Assignment

Zimbabwe and Global Health Care Systems - Assignment Example From this research, it is clear that the World Health Organization (WHO) identifies that a functional health care system anywhere in the world is primary to the achievement of universal coverage of health care. Global Healthcare system refers to the various framework that countries anchor their health care. It covers three critical issues that include access to quality health care, a role of government policies in health care financing and national and global health care concerns. In the wake of 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Primary Health Care (PHC) package provided a bearing to the desired health care needs. According to United Nations Declaration 2012 Report, it identified that despite increased emphasis on universal health care access, many developing countries continue to have high mortality rates. During the study that informed the declaration, it was noted that 75 countries mainly from developing countries accounted for 95% of morbidity and mortality. Notab ly, maternal and neonatal mortality were at unprecedented levels. Zimbabwe was one of the nations in Africa that continue to face myriad health care challenges that led to high mortality rates. Campbell identifies that the recent analyses have drawn attention to the weakness of health care systems. Delivery of health care at community and in hospitals in any country is influenced how the country's health department organizes care framework. In response to health care system deficiencies, a number of countries have embarked on focusing on three important components of an ideal health care system.